Sebastião Rodrigues

I love the work of this Portuguese graphic artist (1929-1997) who designed the magazine Almanaque, which ran from 1959 to 1961. Influenced by Alvin Lustig and Victor Palla. I came across these covers on Pedro Mosca's pinterest page.

Almamaque March 1960 | cover by Sebastião Rodrigues

Almanaque Outubro de 1960 | Capa de Sebastião Rodrigues

Almanaque Junho de 1960 | Capa de Sebastião Rodrigues

Almanaque February 1961 

Almanaque Agosto 1960 | Capa de Sebastião Rodrigues via

II Exhibition of Plastic Arts of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1961

Poster for Enciclopédia luso-brasileira de Cultura. 610mm x 610mm. 1979 via Luis Gomes on Flickr

Two from D H Lawrence

D. H. Lawrence. The Captain's Doll. New York: Thomas Seltzer, 1923. First American edition. via 

Selected Poems by D. H. Lawrence. New Directions, 1947. First Edition. Cover by Alvin Lustig. Via Scott Lindberg on flickr.

Matchbooks from famous designers

Designed by the legendary Saul Bass for the Hunt-Wesson/Ohio Match Company circa 1964. Can be had for a mere $15 on etsy.

Another by Saul Bass from the same period. I found these and more on the excellent etsy store Designcollects

Saul Bass

Saul Bass

Alvin Lustig via etsy

Alexander Girard. Designed for the La Fonda del Sol restaurant in New York City. $45.

The amazing Alvin Lustig

Some Lustig designed book jackets from New Directions

The Man Who Died by D H Lawrence | Cover design by Alvin Lustig 1947

The Man Who Died by D H Lawrence | Cover design by Alvin Lustig 1947

​Spearhead 1947 | from my library

​dark green, bright red by Gore Vidal | design by Alvin Lustig 1950

'Three Lives' by Gertrude Stein. Cover design by Alvin Lustig via Scott Lindberg on Flickr

E.M. Forster's "The Longest Journey" design by Alvin Lustig. New Directions, 1943. First Edition via

​The Day of the Locust by Nathanael West via flickr

​Exiles by James Joyce. New Directions, 1945. by Scott Lindberg on Flickr.

The Sheltering Sky ​via

​A Season In Hell 1945