I love the work of this Portuguese graphic artist (1929-1997) who designed the magazine Almanaque, which ran from 1959 to 1961. Influenced by Alvin Lustig and Victor Palla. I came across these covers on Pedro Mosca's pinterest page.
Almamaque March 1960 | cover by Sebastião Rodrigues
Almanaque Outubro de 1960 | Capa de Sebastião Rodrigues
Almanaque Junho de 1960 | Capa de Sebastião Rodrigues
Almanaque February 1961
Almanaque Agosto 1960 | Capa de Sebastião Rodrigues via
II Exhibition of Plastic Arts of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1961
Poster for Enciclopédia luso-brasileira de Cultura. 610mm x 610mm. 1979 via Luis Gomes on Flickr