Hi, my name is Stephanie. I'm the little kid on the left (excluding the creepy doll).
I'm a Creative Director, illustrator and obsessive collector. I'm usually on the trail of something I have a sudden passion for, whether it be vintage books, tin toys, danish modern furniture, cool plants, certain enticing vegetables, crazy looking bunnies, classic film DVDs, old jazz records, bicycles... the list goes on (and on). Everything is design. And I have an extra special kinship for old things. Mid-century makes my heart quicken. This is a place to share my latest finds and passions. Relax, put on a scratchy bop LP and meander with me through the artifacts of the last couple of centuries. I have tons more on my Pinterest than I'll ever have time to post here, so be sure and visit.
This is my modest little 1952 MCM house, designed by architect Ed Fickett.
My living room
Side yard converted into zen garden for kitties
Big plans!
This is my drawing board in the home office. Since I shot this, I have broken that lovely little china saucer that my mom gave me. Art is messy.
My koi pond. This is a reminder to myself to renovate it in the Spring.