Vintage children's books from Etsy

I continue to be entranced by vintage books. Sometimes I marvel at the prospect that one day, there will be no more physical books produced. Wouldn't that be awful? I found these on MuddyRiverAntiques on Etsy.

1955 The First Book of Automobiles available here for a mere 7 bucks.

The Curious little Kitten By Bernadine Cook. Illustrated by Remy Charlip 1970. $3 here.

Vintage Grace Llivingston Hill book Rainbow Cottage. Book has its original dust jacket. Book was published in 1934. Available right here for $8.

Angus and the Cat by Marjorie Flack 1970 . Available for $6 here.

Good Times Together 1940. Available here for $6

5 by William Maxwell

Time Will Darken It by William Maxwell 1948

The Chateau | Jacket by Ilonka Karasz 1961

The Old Man at the Railroad Crossing and Other Tales by William MAXWELL, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1966. First edition via benchilada on flickr

They Came Like Swallows William Maxwell 1937

The Folded Leaf 1945

Ludwig Bemelmans

"In an old house in Paris, that was covered with vines, lived twelve little girls in two straight lines... the smallest one was Madeline." So begin the beloved Madeline children's books of Ludwig Bemelmans, the Austria-Hungary born American writer and illustrator. Here are a few examples of his beautiful work.

Ludwig Bemelmans. Fifi. New York: Simon and Schuster, [1940].

Madeline. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1939. First edition, first printing. 

This is interesting, the dummy Cover for Madeline and the Bad Hat, ca. 1956/57. Pen, ink, watercolor, and gouache
via The Estate of Ludwig Bemelmans via

Original painting "I'm sorry, the horse must go". Sold for over $27,000 on Skinner Auctions

MADELINE AND THE BAD HAT. NY: Viking (Dec. 1956) via

Parsley via 

The New Yorker | August 21, 1943

The Castle No. 9 via Brickbat Books

To the One I Love the Best by Ludwig Bemelmans

The New Yorker, July 3, 1948

Ludwig Bemelmans The New Yorker,  March 21, 1942

John O'Hara lending library

I just bought this copy of Sweet and Sour, so I thought it was a good time to put together a post of a few of my first editions by O'Hara, as well as a few nice ones I don't possess. I love the design of this book jacket!

Sweet and Sour, by John O'Hara First UK edition 1955

Appointment in Samarra 1934

A Rage to Live 1949 via Live Auctioneers

Butterfield 8 1935 signed first edition via eBay. Cover by Arthur Hawkins, Jr.

Two from D H Lawrence

D. H. Lawrence. The Captain's Doll. New York: Thomas Seltzer, 1923. First American edition. via 

Selected Poems by D. H. Lawrence. New Directions, 1947. First Edition. Cover by Alvin Lustig. Via Scott Lindberg on flickr.