Aleksandr Rodchenko (Russian, 1891-1946)

Some cool Constructivist book cover designs from the late 1920s and early 30s from the Museum of Modern Art.

Aleksandr Rodchenko, L'Art Décoratif et Industriel de L' U.R.S.S 1925

Aleksandr Rodchenko. New LEF: Journal of the Left Front of the Arts), no. 12, 1928

 Aleksandr Rodchenko No. S. (Novye stikhi) 1928

Aleksandr Rodchenko, Novyi LEF. Zhurnal levogo fronta iskusstv (New LEF: Journal of the Left Front of the Arts), no. 6, 1928

Spinnin' wheel, spinning' round

Some beautiful vintage wheel charts and spinners


Vintage Prohibition-Era GINSICLES Roulette Wheel by Ben-Burk Inc

Cook Chart via Present and Correct

1931, Chart of Knowledge Co. of America — Boston, Mass. via flickr

Horse betting game

Goofy Zoo via Present and Correct

Weather Wheel via Present and Correct

Jack and Jill Magazine

Jack and Jill Magazine has been continually in publication since 1938. Here are some beautiful covers from the mid to late fifties, most available on ebay.

June 1956, cover by Wilbur Wickham

August 1959, Wilbur Wickham via ebay

April 1958 via ebay

September 1958 via ebay

September 1957, Space policeman by Lou Segal via ebay

Sebastião Rodrigues

I love the work of this Portuguese graphic artist (1929-1997) who designed the magazine Almanaque, which ran from 1959 to 1961. Influenced by Alvin Lustig and Victor Palla. I came across these covers on Pedro Mosca's pinterest page.

Almamaque March 1960 | cover by Sebastião Rodrigues

Almanaque Outubro de 1960 | Capa de Sebastião Rodrigues

Almanaque Junho de 1960 | Capa de Sebastião Rodrigues

Almanaque February 1961 

Almanaque Agosto 1960 | Capa de Sebastião Rodrigues via

II Exhibition of Plastic Arts of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1961

Poster for Enciclopédia luso-brasileira de Cultura. 610mm x 610mm. 1979 via Luis Gomes on Flickr

Fortune magazine covers

Here's a nice flickr set by Unkee E. on flickr. Lots more at the link!

January 1958 Alan Fletcher

June 1957 Cover by Lio Lionni & Howard Low

November 1948 Hans Moller

May 1948 Cover by George Giusti

June, 1952 Cover by Walter Allner

This one from April 1953 by S. Neil Fujita is from the flickr stream of Leif Peng