Bet you read these

Sometimes, childhood is a struggle. Here are two beautiful stories, and favorites from my library. 

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith 1943. From my library, this is actually a reproduction of the first edition published by First Edition Library.

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith 1943. From my library, this is actually a reproduction of the first edition published by First Edition Library.

To Kill a Mockingbird 1960. First edition. 

The vintage dog

Here are a few books about dogs, real & fictional.

Your dog in the city 1945 via

Sir Gruff, The Woolly Dog 1947 via Etsy

Houn' Dog By Mary Calhoun | Illustrated by Roger Duvoisin (c) 1959 via krakencrafts on flickr

The Playful Little Dog Jean Berg 1951 via ebay

Astract Saturday: Peter Lanyon 1918-1964

"Levant Old Mine" (1952). Oil on board (119.4 x 129 cm).

Harvey's Pool by Peter Lanyon 1954 | Oil on masonite via

PETER LANYON 1918-1964 | NORTH COAST, 1952 via Sotheby's